Bittersweet News.
It's sad that it took over a month after the incident for me to finally admit to all my viewers and supporters what has happened.
I can not tell you guys how many times I cried, and I mean crriiieeddd, over the reality that my first camera was stolen. The day after my college graduation my friends and I finished packing up my clothes and random items in my room, but I couldn't find my camera. My camera usually never leaves my side, I always know where she is.
Yes, my camera is a girl, but some days she's a total man. The camera is pretty androgynous.
My family told me that I probably packed it somewhere strange or it was hidden in the piles of clothes I own; however when we finally went through all the boxes, bins, and garbage bags my camera was no where to be found!
Devastated, does not adequately describe how I felt and how I feel some days when I think about it, but there is a silver lining in this great big mess.
I still have the SIM card with all of the pictures I took before I lost my camera. (I also replaced the SIM card before graduation, so all of my graduation pictures are gone). Therefore I still have plenty of pictures to post to the blog, but they are limited, so I will make ONE post per week. My hope is that I will be able to buy a camera by the time my last post is up so I can continue to do what makes me happy.
I'll try my best to keep you guys updated on how that goes. Though this is a horrible series of events, I am extremely grateful that I was able to have a camera and take pictures of the things, places, and moments that give me joy. Thank you for wanting to share that with me.
I hope you like, no love, my future posts. These next posts are surely some of my favorite outfits. I'll see if I can borrow a friend's DSLR camera, so I can stop missing out on opportunities to share cool places and outfits with you all. I hate that I stayed away for so long, but I feared letting everyone who has supported me down. No thief will hold me back for too long. I'm back at it and I hope you continue the journey with me.
Peace and a whole lotta' love,
Savvy Sunflower