Inside A Dream Machine
Inside A Dream Machine
I entered a Dream Machine and never left. I think the first one I entered was given to me by Ms. Laura; my Caucasian fairy god-mother (not kidding!) She gave me a painted wooden box with flecks of metallic confetti and laminated medallions that were of dream-like drawings inside. She told me:
Ebony, this is your box of dreams. You can wish with them, believe in them, but know, you can make all your dreams come true.
I was five.
Last month I went on a three-city trek to Miami, New York, and Denver. I was looking for inspiration for future creative endeavors, confirmation on who I want to surround myself with, and a Dream Machine in Brooklyn. Literally. I went to the Dream Machine while in New York as a birthday gift, thanks to my fav gal pal Nancy. She's also one of my favorite bloggers in Memphis!

It was once I entered the dream machine, a thought dawned on me: I've been here before.

Imagine this. I jumped into a pool of blue Chuckie Cheese balls, surrounded by blue walls, and the only way to get into the pool was to walk up blue steps. I danced in cotton candy pink rooms with hidden doors to smaller rooms of an infinite mirror light installation. I was reminded that even in darkness our colorful auras will help lead the way to our destiny.

The Dream Machine was a mega dream box made to give space and unleash my “big girl” dreams. The dreams that no longer fit in my tiny five-year old box.
They’re the dreams that no longer fit inside my physical self, so they rest in God’s care. The dreams I relinquish to the Universe, for it always knows how to light our paths to purpose, lesson by lesson.

Sometimes we’re given dream machines, receptacles that hold our infinite creativity, our visions and hopes. We often seek our dream machines out when we’re ready to enter new phases of life or need reminders that dreams have NO age limit.
The cool part is after we emerge from our Dream Machines, we’re able to transform our dreams into truth… reality.
What's your "Dream Machine"?
I'm telling the WHOLE story of my trip on my Instagram! Follow me by clicking on my Insta photos below. I can't wait to have you join us.