Self-Love Series Day 8: OJ


This Spiritual Shit Really Works

In life, there are many ups and down: heartbreaks and heartaches along with disappointments. You may find those in relationships, employment, or many other areas in life. But no matter the form those things may come in and how frequent they may come, there is one thing and person that can control the outcome of those things and that is you! Yes that’s right you. If you look in the mirror, you will see the strongest person in the world, but that strength has to come from a place deep on the inside that opens you up and allows you to overcome all the things that have hurt you or made you feel as if you have let yourself down. In my own personal life, I have had to look in that same mirror once and pick myself up from the lowest points in my life and undergo a rebuilding process that was very tough. When I say it was tough, there were moments where I didn’t want to be alive, and I thought about ending it all, but I then came to myself and realized that I had a lot to live for and that I loved my life and myself.

This may sound very cliché, but when people are at their lowest, they turn to spirituality. For example, like Jay Z said in the song Family Feud on the 4:44 album, “this spiritual shit really works!” When it comes to self-love, you tap into a level of spirituality, regardless of your faith or religion. Faith and belief are the foundation for self-love because believing in something opens you to trust. Not only does it allow you to trust, but when you look in the mirror and reflect, you start to think about the journey you potentially have been on or currently going through. As you continue to reflect, you will learn so many things about yourself, such as new feelings, new thoughts, and you will also develop new passions. In all the new things that you will experience and undergo, the one thing that will also happen is that you will grow so much as a person, and you will fall in love with yourself again and again. During that process of falling in love with yourself, there will come a moment that your authentic self will resurface. When that happened with me, emotions took over and that process led me to this present moment. I learned that I needed to appreciate and value myself more, and that I didn’t need another person to determine my value or worth.

Spring Cleaning

Growing up in the south every year after winter passed and before summer, my grandmother would always pick a weekend where we would do some spring cleaning at her house. It was at that time that she would have me wipe down all the baseboards on the walls, clean all the window panes, take down the blinds, clean the dust off of those, and take all the pots and pans from under the sink and wash and reorganize them. After this lengthy process, I would have to put right back under the sink. I hated those moments and those were the only times in my life that I can recall that I didn’t enjoy visiting my grandmother, however in my adult life I understand the importance of spring cleaning. As much as I hated to spring clean, I understand there is a reason for the action. The more that I think about spring cleaning and the purpose behind it, I tend to think about spring cleaning in a different way. For example, spring cleaning in one’s personal life can have many benefits. If we were to be honest with one another, we would understand the importance of a little spring cleaning around our houses, but we would also understand and could undergo some spring cleaning in our personal lives.

Cleaning out the closest and doing spring cleaning at your home helps you to make room for new things that you potentially want to purchase or just helps you to get some things straightened up that are a little out of place. The spring cleaning that I’m talking about today is one of a different variation and that’s one of self-love that’s mingled with therapy. When you do personal spring cleaning on yourself, the things that you toss away will/can make you a better person and will affect your mind, body and soul. When you get rid of things and you get rid of people, it makes new room for people to come into your life and make life less drama-filled. When you do spring cleaning and throw away things like old clothing item such as shoes, clothes, etc., it’s because they don’t fit you anymore. One thing we have to realize about spring cleaning from a personal standpoint, is what will be thrown away or walked away from can make you a better person. You have to walk around fro o